My Review for How To Pack: Travel Smart for Any Trip by Hitha Palepu

I am not a traveler. I'm a mom, who started a direct sales business and I work from home and care for my children and my husband. I love my direct sales business, and it's ended up opening some doors for me. In February I traveled to Philadelphia for an Empower Me Pink mini training. It was thrilling and stressful and amazing all at once. Now I am headed to Las Vegas, NV in just over a week. Las Vegas! I can't believe it. A small-town girl from Maine is going to Las Vegas for a jewelry convention. Just after I purchased my ticket, I found "How To Pack- Travel Smart for Any Trip" By Hitha Palepu on Blogging for Books. It was a sign. I had to have it. Who doesn't want less stress when they travel? The time was now, I picked up the book and devoured it. There is extremely practical advice in this book. Some of the book is not for me. I'm not a business traveler, but a lot of it can be adapted for my particular instance. This lady is clearly much more p...